Woman, 41, Remanded For Dealing In 12.5kg Of Indian Hemps- The Legend News

Woman, 41, Remanded For Dealing In 12.5kg Of Indian Hemps

A 41 year-old woman, Basirat Akinyemi, has been remanded in the Kirikiri facility of Nigerian Correctional Services (NCoS), by a Lagos Federal High Court, for unlawfully dealt in banned narcotic, Cannabis Sativa, also called marijuana and Igbo in Yoruba language.

Justice Tijjani Ringim, who presided over the court today, ordered that the woman be remanded, after she pleaded to a count charge of unlawful dealing in the banned weed, made against her by the National Drug Laws Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).

Arraigning the woman before the court today, the prosecutor, Mr. Jerry Aernan, told the court that she was arrested with the Cannabis on August 16, 2021, at 22, Oshogun Street, Alapere, Ketu-Lagos, by the Agency’s Operatives.

The prosecutor told the court that the offence committed by the woman, contravened Section 11(c) of the Agency’s Act. Cap. N30, laws of the Federation of nigeria and punishable under the same Act.

The defendant, following the reading of the charge to her, admitted committing the offence and pleaded guilty.

Following her plea of guilty, the prosecutor, Mr. Aernan, asked the court for a short date, to enable him furnish the court with the facts of the charge. He also asked the court to remand the defendant in the custody of NCoS, till the adjourned date.

Justice Ringim, conceded to the prosecutor’s request and ordered that the defendant be remanded in the Kirikiri facility of NCoS till September 2, when the facts of the matter will be reviewed and for her sentence.

The Charge Against The Woman Reads: “That you, Basirat Akinyeml, female, Adult, 41 years old on or about 16th day of August, 2021 at No. 22, Oshogun Street, Alapkere-Ketu, Lagos State within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court without lawful authority dealt in 12.5 kilogrammes of Cannabis Sativa, a narcotic drug similar Cocaine, Heroin and LSD and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 11(c) of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act Cap N30 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004″.

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