Obaseki assures residents of more accessible roads, other developmental projects-The Legend News


From left,(front row): Chief David George, President of Ora-Ekpen Development Association; Mr. Donatus Agbebaku Igboin, Chief of Staff to Edo State Governor, Osaigbovo Iyoha; Vice President of the association, Prof Patrick Uadia and Secretary General of the association, Barr. Sunny Sunny Ohiro, during a courtesy visit at the Government House, Benin City.


The Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has assured residents that his government will sustain investment in road construction and other developmental projects, to open up the state for increased economic activities.

Obaseki gave the assurance when he received the President of Ora-Ekpen Development Association (ODA), Mr. Donatus Agbebaku Igboin, who led other members of the association on a courtesy visit at the Government House in Benin City.

The governor, represented by his Chief of Staff, Osaigbovo Iyoha, reassured that his government will sustain efforts towards achieving sustainable growth and development in the state, ensuring a virile and prosperous state for Edo people.

According to him, “We are going to make sure that our farmers have good access roads to their farms; to enable them convey their farm produce to various markets for sales.

“We want our farmers to earn from their labour and will put everything in place for them to realise their dreams. As a government, we are doing everything possible to improve the economy of our state.”

He continued: “So, the rehabilitation of the Ora, Sobe, Uhonmora, Eme and Afuze roads are in top gear; these roads are very important to the state and our farmers. We want our farmers to have good access roads to their farms as it will help to drive down the cost of transportation for farm produce.”

Obaseki further assured the association of the completion and furnishing of the General Hospital in Sabongida-Ora.

Earlier, president of the association hailed the governor for the numerous infrastructural projects executed by his administration across the state.

Igboin further commended Governor Obaseki for his intervention in the communal clash between Sabongida-Ora (Evbiobe) and Uhonmoro-Ora, noting that his physical presence during the crisis aided speedy resolution of the crisis.

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