Women ensure you know the Manhood sizes before going into Marriage- Marriage Counsellor Vera Wiredu- The Legend News


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Controversial Marriage Counsellor Vera Wiredu known widely as Lady Vera has advised young women to avoid sex before marriage.  She believes that women should rather make it a point to find ways of measuring the sizes of the manhood of men before they accept to be in a relationship or even marry a man.

Her comments come on the back of a lady who after three bouts of sex with her husband to be has decided not to go ahead with their marriage.  She claims the man has huge manhood and what’s even worrying is that he does not take his time when making love to her.

The young lady claims if she goes ahead to marry him she will suffer the brunt and therefore she wants out although their marriage plans are far advanced.

Speaking to the issue on Accra-based Okay FM monitored by  Lady Vera who is a Counsellor and a sex therapist indicated that before a woman agrees to a marriage proposal, there is the need for her to ascertain the size of the manhood of her man.

She indicates that this should not be done during sexual intercourse but rather what she terms as “measurement procedure”.

Lady Vera notes that every woman knows the size of penis they can accommodate in the vagina and therefore, undertaking the measurement procedure will help them make their decisions on whether or not if they will want to get married.


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