The Alexa global ranking site Recognize and rates The Legend News high- The Legend News

Alexa is a ranking search engine, Alexa Ranking rates performance of website minutes by minutes,when searched to check the rating, it was gathered that The Legendnews Online newspaper was rated high with rating figure of 3,059,078 viewers that visited the website as at yesterday when checked the rating site.

The Alexa ranking site rates the performance of all websites in global internet traffic and engagement over the past 90days all over the world.


Alexa rated The Legend news high

The Legend news online is an influential news carrier and our mission statement is to promote general news that will cater for the rich and downtrodden in the society, we are also committed to be fortright, Equitable, and honest in carrying out our duties of ensuring a peaceful society.

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Thank you to all Legend News readers,always visit our site for fresh and current news,we need your continuous support.

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