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President Buhari’s Photographer,Omoboriowo, Emerges World Record Title Holder For Largest Photobook- The Legend News

The Legendary Bayo Omoboriowo’s photobook, ‘Discover Nigeria’, has been approved as Guinness World Record largest photobook.

Omoboroiwo, the official photographer to President Muhammadu Buhari, was notified of the ground breaking feat on Thursday afternoon by Guinness.

The news of the epoch-making verification came few hours before the unveiling of the photobook by President Buhari at the closing edition of Nigeria At 60 activities held at the State House Conference Centre, on the eve of Nigeria’s 61st Independence Anniversary.

In an email to the 34-year-old photographer, the Records Management Team of Guinness wrote:

‘‘Dear Adebayo Omoboriowo

‘‘We are thrilled to inform you that your application for largest photo book has been successful and you are now the Guinness World Records Title Holder!

‘‘You are now eligible for one complimentary Guinness World Records certificate.

‘‘Congratulations, you are Officially Amazing!

‘‘Kind regards

‘‘Records Management Team.’’

The record largest photobook, ‘‘Discover Nigeria’’, measures 7.8 meters by 7.8 meters (totalling 60.84 square meter or 654 ft² 87 in²) when closed and when opened it is 15.65 metres on its horizontal breadth and 7.8 meters on its vertical length.

The photobook of 60 square meters of 60 images on 60 pages showcases Nigeria’s rich traditional institutions, ingenuity of its people, the beauty of its landscape, the richness of its farmlands, stunning waterfalls and seas, among others.

It’s replica which is a coffee table top tourist reference material is available for commercial purchase in bookstores nationwide and it measures 30cm by 30cm.

A delighted Omoboriowo said: ‘‘I am grateful to God for the privilege to be the Nigerian I am, grateful to my family and loved ones and very grateful to President Buhari for believing in me from day 1 and supporting this idea from inception.

‘‘Nigeria is a beautiful country with huge potentials and I’m glad our efforts in promoting Nigerian Art and Culture to the world haven’t been a wasted effort. Join us to Discover Nigeria, join us to birth a new narrative of a vibrant people and culture.’’


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