NCC Extends Deadline For SIM-NIN Linkage To July 31 | The Legend News

It’s great to hear that the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), has extended the deadline for SIM-NIN linkage to July 31, 2024. This extension will provide more time for individuals to ensure their telephone lines are linked to their National Identification Numbers.

If you have multiple SIMs linked to just one phone line, you now have until July to complete the linkage process. It’s important to take advantage of extended deadline to avoid any disruptions in your telecommunication services.

According to Africa Health Report, this information disclosed on Saturday by a reliable sources within the telecommunication sector.

This decision communicated via a letter to telcos came after a careful consideration of various challenges and requests for extensions.

According to the source, “So, this particular extension from 15th April to 31st July is for those who have four SIMs linked to just one phone line.”

The disconnection process, which began in February, was rolled out in three phases. The first occurred on February 28, 2024, followed by the second phase on Friday, March 29, 2024.

Originally scheduled for April 15, 2024, the third phase has now been rescheduled to commence on July 31, 2024.

During the initial deadline on February 28, 2024, the industry regulator said about 40 million lines not linked to NINs were barred.

The source said while the exact number of lines affected by Friday’s deadline remains unclear, telecom companies are expected to proceed with disconnecting lines not linked with NINs.

Telecom companies continue with the disconnection process for lines not linked to NINs, so it’s crucial to prioritize verifying your existing subscriptions during this period.

If you need any assistance with the SIM-NIN linkage process, feel free to reach for help.




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