…American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times per week as part of a healthy diet.

… The benefits of fish tend to be slightly higher than chicken, especially when it comes to the Omega-3 content in it.

It is important that we eat good food while we are still alive and in this generation the maximum  life span  is 50years, but if we take good care of our health by eating moderate good  food which includes fresh sea food, we can live much more than expected.

Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times per week as part of a healthy diet.

Obokun price is 25 thaosand Naira per One.

While they are both excellent sources of protein and add to your nutrient profile, the benefits of fish tend to be slightly higher than chicken, especially when it comes to the Omega-3 content in it.

The life expectancy for Nigeria in 2020 was 54.81 years, a 0.58% increase from 2019. The life expectancy for Nigeria in 2019 was 54.49 years, a 0.58% increase from 2018. The life expectancy for Nigeria in 2018 was 54.18 years, a 0.83% increase from 2017.
The best place to buy seafood is Makoko area located in Yaba, Lagos. You can get to Makoko through Iwaya, Sabo, Adekunle or the Third Mainland Bridge exit.

It is imperative that you visit makoko once in a while,you can get almost any type of seafood. the seafood animals are  for  sale at the market. You can get seafood like Fish (different species), Prawns, Snails, Shrimps, Crayfish, Squid, Cuttlefish, Crabs, Lobster, and so much more. The place is a seafood lover’s village.

As early as 6am, the market is open to anyone who wants to buy from the fishermen directly. They come with the catch of the night and are usually eager to sell and return to the water for the day’s catch. Once they’re ready to leave, the market women swoop in and are able to buy at very low prices. They then resell to latecomers who can’t be bothered to wake up that early. Makoko fish market also attracted white men from different countries that prefer fish than any kind of meat.

Sea food Sizes are very important in the Makoko market, and the prices are quite different according to the different species  sizes and quantity of the seafood in a basket,1kg of Prawns can range from 4,000 Naira to 7,000 Naira depending on the size. Lobsters cost – 5,000 Naira/kg while Shrimps cost 3,000 Naira/kg. Crabs are quite seasonal so the amount per thousand Naira differs by the sellers, Although fish are  very Expensive but fresh direct from the Sea.


12 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Seafood Fish

1. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Many fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. According to multiple studies, omega-3 fatty acids can widen blood vessels and lower bad cholesterol levels. As a result, incorporating this essential amino acid into your regular diet can alleviate your risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Natural Vitamin D Supplement

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in the USA. Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and protect your bones. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis and rickets. Fish are one of the only dietary sources of vitamin D. You can improve your bone health by eating fish with vitamin D regularly.

3. Natural Source of Magnesium

Magnesium is an important nutrient for our bodies. It plays a role in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels along with muscle and nerve function. Fish are a natural source of magnesium. Eating fish regularly can help regulate your body’s fluids.
4. Increase Energy

Protein is a vital source of energy for your body that helps rejuvenate damaged cells. Fish are an excellent source of lean protein. You can boost your energy, without consuming unhealthy fats or bad cholesterol, by eating more fish.

5. Low in Calories

Counting calories may not be fun but it plays an important role in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Since fish are low in calories and rich in nutrients, it is smart to incorporate seafood into a low-calorie diet.

6. Improve Respiratory Health

Nutrients like vitamin B and potassium protect your respiratory system from the effects of environmental pollution. They can alleviate inflammation in the chest that lead to breathing difficulties and coughs. Fish are an excellent source of these nutrients. Studies suggest that children who regularly eat fish have a reduced risk of developing asthma.

7. Increase Mental Health

Studies suggest that consuming fish regularly can reduce the risk of declining mental function in old age and brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. One study demonstrated that eating fish regularly may even improve cognitive function and concentration. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish can also reduce stress, anxiety and other symptoms of depression.

8. Alleviate Insomnia

Poor quality sleep can have many negative side effects and adverse health impacts. Many of the nutrients in fish have been demonstrated to improve sleep quality including vitamin D, protein, and magnesium. If you suffer from insomnia, eating fish regularly may help you get to sleep.

9. Youthful Looking Skin

As you age, your skin tends to lose elasticity which contributes to the visible appearance of aging. Studies suggest that consuming higher levels of nutrients like omega-3s, vitamin B, vitamin A and protein can promote skin elasticity. This is why eating one to two servings of fish a week can give you youthful looking skin. It can also reduce the risk of psoriasis.

10. Improve Muscle Strength

Protein and potassium are the building blocks of strong muscles. Fish are rich in both nutrients. You can improve the condition of your muscles by eating fish regularly.

11. Treat Iron Deficiency

Fish is a natural source of iron which your body needs to form red blood cells. Without enough iron in your diet, you can develop anemia and chronic fatigue. Incorporating fish into your diet can reduce the risk of an iron deficiency.

12. Promote Healthy Hair

Omega-3 fatty acids and protein are both important nutrients for a full head of hair. These nutrients can restore hair follicles and promote hair growth. This is why consuming fish can promote a healthy scalp and hair.

Improving your diet is one of the simplest ways to decrease your risk of developing a chronic disease and increase your wellness. Eating fish once or twice a week is a great way to improve your diet. Fish are full of essential nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin D. They are also a great source of lean protein. Medical research suggests that there may be up to 12 health benefits of eating fish regularly.

The Life span is too short please eat modeate, good healthty food.

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