Lawyer Petitions AIG (ForceCID) Over Clients’ Unlawful Detention- The Legend News



Lawyer Petitions AIG (ForceCID) Over Clients’ Unlawful Detention

Two men, Waliu Dada and Mudashiru Ogunwolu, have petitioned the Assistant Inspector-General of Police (AIG), of Force Criminal Investigation Department (ForceCID), Alagbon-Ikoyi, Lagos, to investigation the circumstances leading to their illegal arrest and detention by men of Onipanu Police Division, Otta, Ogun State.

The victims who are residents of Iwoye, Ilogbo Otta, Ogun State, also urged the AIG to investigation the action of the Station’s Divisional Crime Officer (DCO), an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Abimbola Ojugbele, who allegedly ordered their arrest and detention.

Acknowledged Copies Of The Petition
In a petition written by their lawyer, Yakubu Eleto, dated September 6, 2021 they accused ASP Abimbola Ojugbele, Crime Officer attached to Obasanjo (Onipanu) Police Station”, of professional misconduct and acts unbecoming of a Senior Police Officer.

Besides, they also accused ASP Ojugbele of criminal desecration of Temple of Justice, extortion, subversion of justice, suppression of material facts in a case of attempted murder, criminal attacks by dreaded hoodlums led by one Leke, a tipper driver, Omu-Iya and others

They also alleged that the sum N10, 000, was collected as bribe, before they were released, despite being the first to make complained against the adverse party.

The petition reads in part: “We act as solicitors to Messrs Waliu Dada and Mudashiru Ogunwolu both of Iwoye along Ilogbo Road in Ado Odo-Ota local government area of Ogun State, hereinafter referred to as our client and on their Strict instructions we write to your highly esteemed office.

“Our client informed us that on Thursday last week being the 2nd day of September 2021, at about noon a tipper loaded with sand came to offload sand beside second petitioner’s house as a result of which the tipper driver been not careful malicious destroyed and defaced the entrance of Mr. Mudasiru Ogunwolu entrance, our client being a gentleman walked up to the driver and asked him to fixed his entrance but to our client greatest chagrin, surprise and dismay the driver and his father, one Omu Iyadun mobilized hoodlums from their garage and beat our client mercilessly to a point of death.

“Consequently, while the evil and heinous act continued, the neighbours called the attention of his cousin who lives within the vicinity to come and rescue our client, Mr.Waliu Dada, who was brutally attacked and injured for just no cause while trying to prevent our client from being killed.

“They went and incidented the matter at Ilogbo Police Post but the police officers on duty were very few, hence, they could not respond to the distress call immediately and timeously.

“Sir, due to the much injury sustained and suffered from the attack from the hoodlums, our clients were hospitalized. They however reported the incident officially at Obasanjo Police Station (Onipanu), wherein a diligent woman police (W.Sgt Rebecca) accompanied our client relatives to the hospital and saw them in terrible pains and agony.

“The aforementioned persons by alias Omu Iyadun, used his influence and money to suppress the case in connivance with the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Abimbola Ojugbele having received a gigantic bribe from the principal suspects to circumvent justice knowing fully the gravity of the offence they committed is serious.

“Ironically, the Crime Officer, who ought be a neutral arbiter, stated and dictated to the principal Suspects (Omu-Iyadun) how to write their statements, right in front of our clients, thereby subjected our client to ridicule.

“To worsen the situation, the aforementioned Police Officer, also ordered the detention of our clients, who were writhing in pains, to justify her payment from her paymaster i.e. the Principal Suspects.

“Presently, our client are in Waterloo, discomposure, trepidation, perturbation and they cannot take this injustice lightly, hence this petition and request that you use your good offices to urgently intervene in this matter and also to recover our N10,000 (Ten thousand Naira) extorted from our clients as bail by ASP Abimbola Ojugbele.

“ASP Abimbola Ojugbele is not fit and proper to be a Police Officer, she is a disgrace to the entire Nigeria Police Force, and to crown it up she claimed to be a wife to a Commissioner of Police, that alone should be made to face the wrath of law for an unprecedented act of abuse of office and Extortion.

“We also urge you to make an effective, thorough, unbiased, unpredicted and proper investigation to bring the aforementioned persons and their cohorts to justice as they boastful with the woman ASP Abimbola Ojugbele to subvert justice to the detriment of our clients”.

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