The Ministry of Wealth Creation & Employment has held an awareness seminar to sensitise tradesmen and artisans in Lagos State on the importance of Mental Wellness.

In her address at the seminar held at the State Resource Centre in Ikeja, Mrs. Yetunde Arobieke, Commissioner for Wealth Creation & Employment, said the Lagos State Employee Wellness (LASWELL) Centre was created to cater for the mental well-being of its workforce and provide services that will ensure the emotional wellness of all citizens living in Lagos State.

She reiterated that the government recognises the importance of welfare and happiness to an individual, as well as its resultant effect on creativity and productivity in both personal and work lives, adding that the Ministry organised the event to enable participants benefit from Mr. Governor’s magnanimity.

Arobieke revealed that records show that mental illness comes in various types ranging from depression, anxiety disorder, mood disorder, psychosis, eating disorders and lots more, with many underlying causes that may not easily or be openly identified but have impacts on the mental wellness of a person.

The Commissioner explained further that it is part of the commitment of the present administration to ensure that the tradesmen and artisans in Lagos State are both mentally and physically sound to drive and implement the goals of their professions towards the economic development of Lagos State.

Her words: “Maintaining a healthy lifestyle naturally means ensuring and imbibing the basic essentials that would culminate into disciplined routines, healthy values and habits. Therefore, balance your diet, indulge in regular exercise and avoid the risk of catching communicable diseases”.

“I am hopeful that as more and more people choose to educate themselves and others on mental health, we will definitely see a change in the way it is talked about or viewed in the community”, she added.

The Commissioner restated that the present administration will not relent in rolling out policies targeted at promoting sustainable social development, social interaction and healthy lifestyles, especially for Lagosians.

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