A Ugandan lady, Nantongo Immaculate and her ex-husband have held a party after they divorced each yesterday. The two took it to café javas, had launch and cut cake later. The two have been married for 7years and have two boys.
“My divorce is finally yearly after 6yrs of separation. Today I choose to celebrate the end of something that resulted in two handsome boys. I celebrate the friendship, the co-parenting and the maturity.” she said.
She said: “7yrs ago I didn’t know we would be at this place sitting together and sharing a meal. How time heals everything. Deciding to let go of the hurt, betrayal and choosing to forgive wasn’t a simple thing but I did and we are in the best place we could ever be,”
“Am not here to glamorize divorce but to tell anyone in a similar situation, divorce is not the end of life. You can still be civil with your ex. Life can still be beautiful but also to let you know that God is not mad at you. Yes, he hates divorce but he loves you so much. No parent would want their child to endure or be killed in a relationship just for the sake of it. If we, earthly parents want the best for our kids how about God our father?” she said.
She said God hates divorce for what it does to people, it breaks up families but amid your divorce, you can choose to make the most out of your situation. Co-parent better. It’s all about giving your kids the best opportunities in life and making the best decisions for them.
“So for one last time, we came together to celebrate the life we had and the individual lives we live. Happy divorce day to us and the next chapter of my life,” she congratulated her Ex- Husband.