Air Peace Not An Igbo Airline – Onyema | The Legend News 

Air Peace CEO, Allen Onyema


The chairman of Air Peace Airline, Allen Onyema, said the airline belongs to over 200m Nigerians and not to the igbos.
 The Igbo people are an ethnic group in Nigeria. They are primarily found in Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States
Onyema disclosed this, over the weekend, at an event organized by Fidelity Bank to celebrate the airline’s for commencing scheduled flight operations into London, United Kingdom.
“Let’s shun ethnic nationalism and spread love and broad nationalism. Air Peace is not an Igbo airline. It is a Nigerian airline that belongs to two hundred million people”, Onyema stated.
Onyema, however, pledged that the airline will continue to adhere fully to safety standard, saying the airline needs the support of Nigerians to sustain the newly launched London service.
“For every penny you pay to Air Peace, you pay to sustain the jobs of thousands of Nigerians and support economic growth.
“Air Peace flies you from any of our domestic routes to London. So, you can fly from Yola to London via Lagos. From the local airport, you are taken to the international airport free of charge with a seamless luggage transfer”, Onyema affirmed.
The Air Peace boss further emphasised that Air Peace was set up primarily to create employment, not to profiteer as the motivation behind the business was to empower Nigerians economically.
“Air Peace was not borne out of the intent to profiteer but to create jobs. Air Peace was not established because I wanted more money but because of the conviction that running an airline would create massive job opportunities. That was why we went into aviation”, he remarked.
Speaking earlier, the managing director, Fidelity Bank, Dr Nneka Onyeali-Ikpe, commended Air Peace for their giant strides and financial discipline which it has upheld since inception, Businessinsider Reports.
“Air Peace has been very loyal to us. We are grateful to have them as our client and we are celebrating their milestone of launching direct flight service to London and other milestones they will achieve,” Onyeali-Ikpe stated.
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