YOUTH PROTEST : Ogun Government has Neglected Us,Iju-Ota expressway claims Many Lives- Youth Laments ~The Legend News

Iju-Ota (Atan) youths has come out in their large numbers to blocked the major iju -Ota(Atan) expressway that lead to border, to protest the incessant and continues accident that occurred on this high way .

It was observed that this road is too narrow for the motorists plying the road and it has claimed many lives.

As at press time, Okada and Keke Marwa operators laments that this Iju bridge has claimed many lives and the bridge is now very weak, government needs to come  repair it, and make it wider for the road users.

It is of note that the road need expansion, at least four lane for motorists inorder to avoid this continues loss of lives on the road, specifically the not too wide Iju bridge. This Iju bridge is a death trap, and danger zone .

Last week, a truck loaded  with diesel killed 10 people passing this deadly road, and what brought up this protest was that a trailer over loaded with unknown products, fell on many Keke napep yesterday, alot of passengers died. Many accident usually happened on this road, just to mention few. An eye witness further said that a lady with her mother that was planning for her daughter’s wedding, in preparation, they went to purchased clothes for the party and they were also involved in this ghastly motor accident.

According to the youth leader,Mr Lateef Olayanju during the protest, said that, “Ogun state government has neglected us here, because many have died as a result of this narrow road, we are using this opportunity to call on both the Ogun state and federal government to help us dualize this road, this is the major road that lead to kutonu seme border, Nigerian government is generating huge income from this road, why can’t they help us make it four lane for the road users, please government save our life here, we are suffering, he said”.

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