You’re True Heroes, Tinubu Lauds Men On Father’s Day | The Legend News 

President Bola Tinubu, on Sunday, praised fathers for their sacrifice and resilience in shaping the nation’s future.

He encouraged fathers to remain committed to shaping the futures of the next generation.

This was contained in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, in commemorating the 2024 Father’s Day.

The statement read in part, “On the occasion of Father’s Day, President Bola Tinubu congratulates fathers, including all paternal figures, who have in no small measure contributed to shaping the destiny of the nation by their sacrifice, forbearance, provision, protection, presence, and guidance of the young ones to the noble and true path.

“President Tinubu affirms that society is in better stead with fathers who rise to the great demand of responsibility, guiding the children through the vagaries of existence and preparing them for the future, as well as bequeathing to them pristine values that money or material comfort cannot provide, but only by personal example of discipline, integrity, service, respect, love and allegiance to the nation.

“The President salutes all fathers, the sung and the unsung, who brave the toil of the day and the soreness of the night to provide for their families, describing them as true heroes.”

Tinubu urged fathers “to stay true to their bounden commitment of positively shaping the destinies of those to whom the future belongs.”


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