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WONDERFUL ! 41years Old Woman Gave Birth To Twins 6 Times, Triplets 5 Times, Quadruplets 5 Times,44 Children For One Man,See Video | The Legend News

Miriam Nabantahzi started having children from the age of 12 after her father forced to marry a man in her village. For her first pregnancy at such tender age, she delivered a triplet. For her second pregnancy, she had quadruplets.

Before the age of 15, she has given birth to eight children.

“I had no option than to go for family planning. The doctors on examining me, said I still have a lot of eggs hence advised me against going for the family planning because it will have positive effect on me,” she narrated.

Thus she continued to have children in droves for the same man and when her last pregnancy resulted in a quadruplets, the man had no other option than to run away leaving Nabantahzi to cater for the 44 children alone.

In her community, many don’t even remember her real name anymore, they prefer to call her Mama Uganda!

For her 44 children, Mama Uganda had: twins on six occasions; she had triplets from five different pregnancies while she had quadruplets from five different pregnancies.

Wait for it, they could have been more! “I had miscarriages on two occasions, only God knows how many they could have been,” she said.

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