Stop your Child Immediately!! Frog Sitting Position, Not good for Child, See Reasons Why | The Legend News


   Children do a lot of things as they grow up that you don’t understand because they like to play. Children like to do a lot of different things, like play in the sand and chew on their thumbs. As they do things that could hurt them, we as parents need to talk to them about it so they know what’s right and wrong.

Some ways for kids to sit can be very dangerous and bad for them. Your child shouldn’t sit like a frog, so if you see them doing it, tell them to stop right away. It’s not a good idea for the child to sit in this way, because it makes the body carry more weight.

Research shows that sitting in a frog position can cause low blood flow to the legs, cramps, and a lot of other problems. Research shows that when a child sits like this, the body shrinks to fit.

if a child keeps sitting in this position, he or she will grow up with a walking disorder and not be able to walk straight. You should also stop your child from sitting in this way because it will hurt him and keep his bones from growing as they should.

As the child gets older, he will start to have “knock legs,” which means that his knees will touch and his legs will be far apart. This position could also cause dangerous pains in the body, such as waist pain, back pain, shifting of the spine, and other dangerous pains. All this pain in the body can lead to expensive treatments that could have been avoided if your child hadn’t been sitting in this way.

So, if you see a child sitting like this, please stop them to show them that you care.



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