South East Traditional Rulers ask residents to Vote , dump sit-at-home order | The Legend News

HRM, Igwe Alfred Achebe
Obi of Onitsha




The residents of the South-East, have ordered to go out today en mass to exercise their voting rights, and dumped the earlier sit-at-home order.

This welcomed development came from the Council of Traditional Rulers of the South-East, after a crucial 2023 Executive Committee meeting in the region.

This was stated in a communiqué released on Friday at the end of the Meeting of the South-East Council of Traditional Rulers, comprising of the Old Eastern Nigeria House of Chiefs, Enugu.

The communiqué sated that the meeting established the role of traditional institution in maintaining peace and security in South-East, specially in the 2023 General Elections. They thereafter took some decisions for peace, security and progress of the zone.

“Firstly, the Traditional rulers Fathers implored the people of the South-East to go out en masse to vote for candidates of their choice at the 2023 polls. The asked the people to ignore any sit-at-home order giving to them.

“Secondly, the Council pleaded with the security agencies in Nigeria to create a peaceful and safe condition for the General Elections. They also appealed to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to act above board in the conduct of the election.

“Thirdly, the Council vehemently condemned the killings and destruction of property in South Eastern Region, and the Nation at large.

“Fourthly, the Council ordered all Traditional Rulers in the Zone, to exercise their dominion over kingdom through out the General elections, to ensure that peace, free and credible elections takes place in their domain,” it submitted.

The high- powered communiqué was signed by His Royal Majesty, Eze Lawrence Aguzubu, the Chairman, South-East Council of Traditional Rulers and Chairman of Enugu State Council of Traditional Rulers. It was also signed by His Royal Majesty, Igwe Alfred Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha and Chairman of Anambra State Council of Traditional Rulers, on behalf of the Council.

It was also signed by Eze Joseph Nwabeke, the Ezeamara of Eziama Ntigha, and chairman, Abia State Council of Traditional Rulers.

The meeting was attended by the royal fathers and other members of the executive committee of the council.

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