Prepare For Rejection During Census, NPC tells Enumerators | The Legend News


As part of efforts to conduct a credible 2023 population and housing census, the National Population Commission has urged enumerators and supervisors not to shy away from conflict and rejection.

This is contained in chapters six and seven of the NPC 2023 Census Training Curriculum obtained by our correspondent on Tuesday.

The NPC noted that conflict was expected to spring up during the census, adding that the NPC staff should be prepared to manage any eventuality that may occur.

The curriculum read in part, “Conflict is a normal part of any healthy relationship and is typical in an assembly of people like that of census functionaries who usually are from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.

“The key is not to fear or try to avoid conflict but to learn how to resolve it in a healthy way.

“You should anticipate conflict to arise between you and any or all of your enumerators. Conflict can also arise among the enumerators themselves. You should be prepared to manage any eventuality that may occur.

“Identify the source of the problem, the stakeholders, and the issue at hand. Take the time to listen to every participant and value each argument without prejudice. Take reasonable time to weigh all options even if a solution or answer is readily available as rushing to a resolution can make people feel like they’re left out in the decision-making process. Go beyond the conflict and identify other challenges/barriers.”

The document also noted that a supervisor “should make every effort to reach out “to households or individuals who refuse to cooperate with enumerators so as to secure their permission.”

“It is possible to find an entire community, household head, or senior household member to refuse to give permission for a household member to participate in the census, or just a member to refuse to grant an interview.

“Approach the respondent from his point of view. Refusals may stem from misconceptions about the census or other concerns. If there is a linguistic or ethnic barrier between the respondent and the interviewer, the supervisor should, if possible, send a different interviewer to complete the questionnaire.

“Postpone interview for another day. Carry out the interview yourself. The supervisor’s knowledge, skill, and maturity may enable him to complete a difficult interview when the assigned interviewer has been unable to do so,” the document read.


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