A paedophile policeman, Hussain Chehab, who groomed a 14-year-old schoolgirl into having sex with him, has been jailedfor five years by United Kingdom court.
Prosecuting, Marion Smullen was reported to have said: “Chehab would have been 18 at the time of the offences. He deliberately targeted and groomed the young girl.
“He first made contact when he messaged her on Instagram and pretended to be a 16-year-old boy from Russia. They met up a week later and went to a park. He built up a relationship and her trust”.
Chehab pressured the teen into having sex despite her asking him to stop, a court heard.
He also told others how to groom children on online forums whilst working at a school as a Safer Schools officer and owned sexually explicit images of babies as young as two.
The disgraced policemanwas thrown behind bars for five years just days after the release of the Casey Report.
Sir Mark Rowley apologised to Chehab’s victims when he appeared at the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee in January of this year.
The sickening criminal first contacted the child on Instagram pretending to be a 16-year-old Russian boy, between March and September 2019 about a year before he joined the force.
During his short stint with the Met, Chehab was posted to a secondary school in north London, the trial at Wood Green Crown court heard.
He had sex with his victim for the first time in an abandoned factory, and scoured the internet for explicit images of children.
Chehab was never caught for his sick abuse, and his behaviour was only discovered after a complaint from another young woman.
This didn’t lead to any charges but led to his electronic devices being seized – it was then the sick photos and videos were discovered as well videos, photos and messages relating to his teenage victim.
Of the material found on Chehab’s phone, 293 were Category A images – the most serious – and some were said to be of children as young as two-years-old.
There were even messages from a child abuse forum where he “instructed” others on how to groom children.
Source: Mirror UK