Ogun Govt. Seals Two Firms Over Flooding~The Legend News 


Mr. Ola Oresanya, Ogun State Commissioner for the Environment .


Ogun state government said it has sealed off two companies; Buildwell Plants and Equipments Limited and Katchey Laboratories, for building on government canal and flood plain thereby causing excessive flooding and other environmental infractions in their immediate communities.

The state Commissioner for the Environment, Mr. Ola Oresanya, ordered the sealing of the companies, after an on-the-spot assessment tour of Magada, Redstar, Wemabod and Sparklight OPIC Estate communities, where the companies committed the environmental infractions in Magboro area of Obafemi-Owode Local Government of the State.

One Of The Sealed Off Firms

A release issued by Rotimi Oduniyi, the Ministry’s spokesperson, stated that while Buildwell Plants and Equipments Limited were found guilty of building on government canal and fencing it inward into their compound, Katchey Laboratories sand-filled a flood plain land and also fenced it thereby causing excessive flooding to the four communities.

In sealing the companies, the Commissioner said the state government will not fold its hand and watch irresponsible and man-made environmental infractions by the two companies which had affected the well- being of residents of the communities.

“Its disgusting to see Buildwell with built structures on government canals and more annonying is its enfontry of fencing the canal into its compound while Katchey sand-filled a flood- plain land and fenced it without caring on the environmental impact it will have on the property and living conditions it will have on thousands of residents nearby especially flooding.

“The state government will not tolerate these infractions.As a responsible government,the welfare of our people is uppermost than the pecuniary gains of few individuals as any company that infringe on the well-being of our people will see our other side,” Oresanya added.

The Commissioner further warned other companies that the State government will not tolerate any environmental infractions on their side saying the full wrath of the law will be visited on them.

To bring immediate relief to the affected communities, he said the State government will dredge all existing canals in the communities so as to increase their carrying capacities while other solutions will also be profered soon after a stakeholders meeting between the state government, representatives of the sealed and other companies operating in the areas as well as their various Communities Development Associations CDAs to find a lasting solutions to problem.

Responding, the Chairman of Magada Community, Mrs. Deborah Olawepo, who spoke on behalf of others communities thanked the State government for its timely intervention, saying that the steps taken will serve as deterrence to others, as well assist in reducing flooding issues in the communities to the bearest minimum now and the near future.

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