Looted Abuja Warehouse Not Ours – NEMA | The Legend News 

National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has declared that the warehouse looted in Abuja on Sunday did not belong to it.

Hoodlums broke into a storage facility in Gwagwa area of Abuja on Sunday, and looted stored food items.

Residents of the area said youths broke into the warehouse located around Tasha area of the community in the early hours of Sunday and looted bags of maize and other grains.

Some said residents of neighbouring Jiwa and Karmo communities trooped toward the site with the intention of partaking in the loot.

“This is to clarify that the looted warehouse does not belong to NEMA.

“However, the agency sympathises with owners of the looted facility,’’ NEMA’s spokesman Mr Manzo Ezekiel, stated on Sunday in Abuja.

“The Director-General, Mr Mustapha Ahmed, has directed Zonal Directors and Heads of Operations, to strengthen security in and around NEMA offices and warehouses nationwide.

“The directive is to forestall any security breach at NEMA’s facilities across the country,’’ Ezekiel added.


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