If You Suffer Frequent Urination And Overactive Bladder, See Food You Should Avoid | The Legend News

An overactive bladder and frequent urination can be disruptive to daily life, preventing you from participating in activities that you once enjoyed. If you suffer from such conditions, it is important to be mindful of the foods you eat in order to better manage the problem. While everyone’s body is different and has a unique relationship with certain foods, this article would like to provide an overview of common foods to consider avoiding or limiting if you suffer from frequent urination and an overactive bladder.

First, and most generally recognized, are beverages. Caffeinated drinks, from soda to coffee to energy drinks, contain chemicals called tannins. Tannins are known to increase the production of urine in your body, leading to irritation in the bladder and more frequent urination. The American Urological Association suggests avoiding beverages such as tea, coffee, and colas as much as possible. Furthermore, choosing to drink water instead can be beneficial since it keeps you hydrated. While it is still advised to limit alcohol intake regardless of your condition, it is even more important to be aware of what you drink if you experience frequent urination and an overactive bladder.

According to healthline, Another common category of foods that can worsen bladder problems are those high in acid. This might include citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, as well as tomatoes, certain juices, and certain types of vinegar.

All of these can contribute to an irritation in your bladder, and as a result, it is important to moderate your intake of acidic foods.

It is also wise to look out for foods that are high in “bladder irritants”, such as certain vegetables including broccoli and cauliflower, as well as spicy foods. Especially in processed or canned vegetables, the salt and preservatives present can also be troubling for your bladder.

To improve urinary health, it is also beneficial to include mental health into your treatment plan. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been touted as a viable way to manage incontinence, urge incontinence, and an overactive bladder. To achieve this, increased focus on relaxation techniques and mindfulness can help to reduce the symptoms of such conditions while creating a more mindful relationship with the food you eat.

Though the journey to a healthier bladder and less frequent urination can be difficult, there are many resources available to better manage your symptoms. From an understanding of the foods you should be avoiding to holistic treatments such as CBT, you can find ways to improve your symptoms with the help of friends, families and medical professionals. OperaNews

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