I Gave Birth To 4 Children For Different Kidnappers While We Were In The Forest -Rescued Chibok Girl~The Legend News 

The Nigerian army rescued several ladies from the den of terrorists. The ladies are reported to be some of the Chibok girls who were kidnapped many years ago and taken as captives into the forest. After they were rescued by the Nigerian army, they narrated how they have been living in the deep forest with the kidnappers all these years.

One of the ladies who is already a mother of 4 children narrated how she’s been there in the forest with her kids. The lady said that she has a husband who is also one of the kidnappers in the forest. She said that her husband refused to surrender to the Nigerian army when their hideout was attacked by the Nigerian military.

She has 4 children including twins which she gave birth to newly. Her children were born by different fathers in the forest. 3 of her children belongs to one man, while the rest belongs to another man.

She said that she had lost interest in education and doesn’t want anything to do with education again after they were kidnapped outta their school many years ago. She also said that the father if one of her kids was killed by the Nigerian army during the attack in the forest.

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