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Hajia Rabi, Aminu Dantata’s Wife Is Dead | The Legend News


Hajiya Rabi, the wife of elder Statesman and business mogul, Alhaji Aminu Dantata, is dead after a prolonged illness.

The deceased, who was popularly addressed as Mama Rabi is the mother of one of the popular children of Alhaji Aminu Dantata, Tajuddedn Dantata.

Mama Rabi was the second wife of the foremost elder statesman.

According to a family source, she died at a hospital in Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Saturday, 8 April, 2023.

She died in her late 70s and left behind her husband and six children, among whom are: Tajjuddeen Dantata, Batulu Dantata, Hafsa Dantata, Jamila Dantata and Aliya Dantata and many grand children.

A grandson to the deceased, Sunusi Dantata who also confirmed her demise on his verified Twitter account, said “Please pray for our mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, Haj. Rabi, wife of Alh. Aminu Dantata, who died yesterday after a protracted illness!

“May Allah forgive her, accept her good deeds, and grant her the highest rank in Paradise, Ameen!

“Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihirrajiuun!”

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