Gani Adams Wants Business Bond Between Nigeria, Thailand Strengthened | The Legend News

     Aare Onakakanfo of Yoruba land, Iba Gani Adams, has said that the best way to explore the various business opportunities between Nigeria and Thailand is to strengthen the bond between the two countries.

Iba Adams made this assertion on Monday after holding different business meetings with the Thailand business conglomerates in Bangkok, during his business trip to the Asian country.

He stated this in s statement made available to newsmen by his media aide, Mr Kehinde Aderemi, who added that the reason for the meeting with Thailand business partners and stakeholders was to discuss the prospects of having a global business brand between Nigeria and Thailand.

Tribune has it that Adams, who stressed the need for the two countries to create viable business opportunities that could enhance the possibility of addressing the various problems confronting the two countries, disclosed the Oodua People’s Congress (OPC) which he led intended to build a Thai-Nigeria Trade Centre, set up a new Oodua Farm Village and also build the Budiest Temple at all our Thai-Nigeria Trade Centre.

According to him, the three projects are futuristic in nature, saying it was in realization of his long-term desire to empower the Nigerian youths and women in his capacity as the Aare Ona Kakanfo Yoruba land, “and also in making my long-term dream and vision a reality through your support.

  • We seek investors and business partners that will work with us in making these projects a reality both in Nigeria and in Thailand.
  • “We intend to build a Thai-Nigeria Trade Centre, set up a new Oodua Farm Village and also build the Budiest Temple at all our Thai-Nigeria Trade Centre.
  • “These three projects are futuristic in nature and it is my long-term desire to empower the Nigerian youths and women in my capacity as the Aare Ona Kakanfo Yoruba land, and also in making my long-term dream and vision a reality through your support,” the Yoruba generalissimo stated.

Adams expressed hope for the prospects of the business ventures, insisting that the best approach for the success of the meetings was to remain focused on the need to strengthen the business prospects and bring about global gains and opportunities for the two countries.

In his remarks, President, Thai- Nigeria Trade Association and the host, Dr Vorrakorn Chamnanpaisarn, applauded the courage of Iba Adams for bringing up enduring business ideas and proposals that could enhance bilateral trade between Thailand and Nigeria.

Chamnanpaisarn admitted that the global business environment is highly competitive, but quickly noted that with the huge human capital and material resources in Nigeria, it was possible to explore the business potentials that can help the growth of both Nigeria and Thailand, making the two countries the global business hub in the world.

“The purpose of the various business meetings with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the Thai Chambers of Commerce and Board of Trade in Thailand, Mr Sanan Angubolkul and other top business owners here in Bangkok, Thailand is to expand the coast of our business empires.

“We are looking at a way of using the global inter-business bond and relationship as tools to strengthen the bond between the Republic of Thailand and Nigeria.”

Angubolkul, in his remarks, assured Iba Adams of prosperous business prospects, assuring that all the stakeholders in the Thailand business community would support the business idea to drive prospective customers to Nigeria, even as he added also that the visit of Adams had been a major boost to Thailand business community.

  • We will support the Thai-Nigeria business initiative. It is another window of opportunities to explore the biggest market in Africa and we are ready to work together as a team in driving that global market,” he assured.

Apart from the three major areas specified in the Thai-Nigeria business initiatives, there are other areas of interest that the Nigerian team and the Thailand Trade Association agreed upon.

Other sectors highlighted in the business proposals include the education sector, agric sector and other important sectors.

Other members of the Thai-Nigeria Trade Association board/executive present at the various business parley include Mr Phacharakorn Sribun, Dr Pimporn Chandee, Mrs Nongyyao Chutikanan, Mrs Nantiya, Chuechin and a group of other Thai entrepreneurs, among others.

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