Court Jails Yahoo Boy 12 Months Over $20, 000 USD Fraud | The Legend News 

An internet fraudster, popularly called Yahoo Boy, Olayiwola Junior, has been convicted and sentenced to 12 calendar months, by a Lagos Federal High Court, over impersonation and fraud of $20, 000 USD.

Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke who presided over the court slammed the jail-term on the fraudster, after he pleaded guilty to the charges filed against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The convicted fraudster, according to the prosecutor, Zeenat Atiku Bala, had sometimes in September 2023, claimed to be a woman and impersonated one Cynthia Joseph, and opened a Gmail account, which he used in defrauding his victims.

The prosecutor told the court that as the time the fraudster was arrested the sum of $20, 000, fraudulently obtained from his victims, was found in his possession.

She told the court that the offences committed by the convicted fraudster contravened sections 22(2)(b} and 18(1)(d) of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, etc) Act, 2015. And punishable under the same Act.

The convicted fraudster admitted committing the offences and pleaded guilty to the charges.

Upon his guilty plea, the prosecutor reviewed the facts of the charge and tendered some exhibits which were admitted by the court.

After reviewing the facts of the charges, the prosecutor urged the court to sentence him in accordance with the sections of the EFCC Act, he was charged with.

But lawyer to the convicted fraudster, B. A. Omateno, pleaded with the court to tamper justice with mercy in sentencing him.

The lawyer particularly urged the court to put into consideration that the convict is a first time offender who did not have any previous conviction record.

The lawyer also pleaded with the court to consider fine option in lieu of custodian sentence.

Justice Aneke after listening to the alligator made by the convict’s lawyer, sentenced the fraudster to 12 calendar months, but ordered him to pay the sum of N1.5 million as fine option in lieu of the jail-term.

Charges Against The Fraudster Read: “That you OLAYIWOLA NURUDEEN JUNIOR sometime in September, 2023, in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent fo gain advantage for yourself fraudulently impersonated one “CYNTHIA JOSEPH” by holding yourself out as such on your Gmail account and you thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 22(2)(b) of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, etc) Act, 2015.

That you OLAYIWOLA NURUDEEN JUNIOR sometime in September, 2023, in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court disguised the true nature of the aggregate sum of $20,000 (Twenty Thousand United States Dollars) which sum you knew to be proceeds of criminal conduct and you thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under section 18(1)(d) of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment. etc) Act, 2004.”


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