Christmas: Methodist Prelate, Aba, Urges Nigerians To Believe In God | The Legend News

Christmas: Methodist Prelate, Aba, Urges Nigerians To Believe In GodThe recently ordained Prelate of Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence Dr. Oliver Ali Aba, has enjoined Nigerians to believe in God, the giver of life.

Dr. Aba spoke with journalists on Sunday during the Christmas service at the Methodist Church Nigeria, Tinubu, Lagos on Sunday December 25, 2022.

According to him, “I want to give all glory to the Almighty God for sparing our lives till today. We have been able to survive and surmount all kinds of problems from last year till today, and ‘am I strongly believing that the Lord will continue to protect us because He’s alive.”

Speaking further, the cleric said that God is alive and that “everything around us will speak well of us,” adding that there’s hope for everybody as long as Jesus is alive.

He said that every challenge of life is temporary, and that a time shall come when all these shall come to an end, and Nigeria will be up again.

The man of God stated that he believed strongly that God loves Nigeria, saying that this why the country is at the level it is, but that the nation is growing gradually.

“My prayers are that all our leaders will have the fear of God and even all of us who are their subjects will also have the fear of God,” he said.

He stressed that every citizen should be faithful with any task given to him or her, and that the people should allow the country to be for all, and that “we have no other country that we can call our own and so, all hands must be on deck, let nobody blame anyone.”

“If you discover the way to success enter into it so that we will do whatever it takes to better Nigeria so that Nigerians yet unborn would be happy with us.

Prelate, Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence, Dr. Oliver Ali Aba with other clergymen at the Sunday Service

“Whatever we have done, either for developmental purposes or for economic improvement, we must do it well so that it can lead to a better future for yet future generations,” he said.

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