CAN Holds Interdenominational Prayers For Nigeria | The Legend News


The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) on Wednesday, in Abuja held a national interdenominational prayer session for improved economy, security and leaders of the country.

CAN President, His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, while speaking with newsmen at the National Christian Centre, Abuja, said that the session became necessary in the face of myriad of challenges facing the nation.

Okoh, therefore, urged Christians and Nigerians in general to continue to pray for the nation and its leaders.

The cleric said that the role of prayer in the life of a nation at this crucial moment could not be over emphasised, hence Christians must continue to stand in the gap for the country.

“The Bible is very clear on this. The Bible says that the prayers of the righteous availleth much, and what else could the church be doing, other than to lead the nation in prayers?

“The CAN leadership saw this as one of the main duties of the church in Nigeria, to stand in the gap for this nation, to pray always, for people in leadership.

“To pray for all the three arms of government, and even for the military, and all those who are in governance, to continue to do what is right, and what can bring joy to the people,’’ he said.

The CAN president said that when the people pray, the Lord would continue to lead the nation’s leaders on the path of righteousness.

“The Bible says that when the righteous sits on the throne, the people will rejoice.

“Even if the righteous goes to the throne, you have to sustain the righteous with prayers so that he will not fall or go astray from the path of righteousness.

“So, it is our calling, as a people to always pray for our nation,’’ he added.

Okoh said that all the nations that God called, citing the Land of Israel, always had people of God that stood in the gap for them.

He said that in times of prosperity, in their times of failure, there were people who were still praying for the nation.

“So, this is something that is already in our timetable, that regularly, we will come together as a people to pray for our nation, because we believe that God listens.

“We believe in the promise God has made to us about our country; Nigeria will flourish and we pray that it will happen in our own lifetime,’’ he said.

The prayers with the theme, ‘In His Hands’ were offered for the Nigerian leaders, the economy, security, the present economic hardship and Nigerians. TheGlitters


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