• ASUU strike: in his 2022 prophecies, Primate Ayodele revealed that there will be a
  • serious ASUU strike in 2022 and that students will stage something serious to protest
  • against it. As he said it, the union held a strike that lasted more than 8 months and at
  • some point, students started blocking major highways to express their displeasure,
  • fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy
  • Guinea: there was political unrest in the country some months ago that led to the death of
  • citizens. Primate Ayodele had revealed that he foresees tough times for politicians in the
  • country. This was fulfilled.

Landslide In Cameroun: An unfortunate landslide that led to the death of over 21 people
took place in Cameroun weeks back. Primate Ayodele said it in his new year prophecy
that the country will be faced with deadly natural disasters.

  • Russia VS Ukraine War: The most talked about international event is the invasion of
  • Ukraine by Russia some months back. Primate Ayodele had warned in his 2022
  • prophecies that the crisis between the countries will escalate this year. Few days before
  • the invasion occurred, Primate Ayodele revealed in an interview session that he foresees
  • destruction in Ukraine. About 48 hours after this prophecy, Russia invaded Ukraine and
  • as we speak, lots of destruction have been recorded and still counting.
  • Governor Finitiri : The governor of Adamawa, Ahmadu Fintiri escaped death twice in his
  • convoy accident that also took the lives of some of his aides. This fulfills the prophecy of
  • Primate Ayodele that warned governors to pray against strange occurrences around them.
  • 7 Senegal : The ruling party of Senegal lost the majority in the recently conducted
  • parliamentary elections. Primate Ayodele had foretold in his prophecies that the president
  • will have a crisis and will struggle to have a majority in the parliamentary elections.
  • 8 China-Taiwan: China and Taiwan had a little face-off in the year and if not for timely
  • intervention, could have resulted into something more serious. Before it happened,
  • Primate Ayodele warned world leaders to watch China and Taiwan because he foresees
  • an escalation there.
  • Assassination Of Japan Former Prime Minister: Shinzo Abe, a former prime minister of
  • Japan was assassinated some months back during a campaign. Primate Ayodele revealed
  • that he foresees the death of a powerful former prime minister. This was fulfilled.
  • Olubadan Of Ibadan Death: Still in his 2022 prophecies in the section that talks about the
  • traditional institutions, Primate Ayodele mentioned some traditional rulers that will be
  • called to the great beyond before the end of the year. Olubadan of Ibadan was part of
  • them and to confirm it, he died few months into the year 2022.
  • Alaafin Of Oyo’s death: this is the most recent death in the traditional institution, just like
  • Olubadan, Primate Ayodele revealed that the Alaafin of Oyo will have health issues. He
  • died some weeks back after his health failed.
  • Soun Of Ogbomosho’s death: Soun Of Ogbomosho died before others, he died in
  • December, the month Primate Ayodele released his 2022 prophecies. Meanwhile, the
  • prophet had compiled the prophecies since November. The name of Soun of Ogbomosho
  • was also mentioned as part of traditional rulers that will die, and as he said it, the Soun of

Ogbomosho met his forefathers.

  1. Desmond Tutu’s Death: popular South African archbishop Desmond Tutu died on 26th
    of December. In Primate Ayodele’s 2022 prophecies released on 22nd Of December
    2021, the man of God mentioned that he sees him in a redline which connotes death.
  2. Death Of Abubakar Shekau : for many years, we have heard of Boko Haram leader,
    Abubakar Shekau dying and coming out again to say he is not dead. Primate Ayodele in a
    prophecy last year said the days of Shekau are numbered and that he will die. Few
    months later, Shekau was pronounced dead permanently and till this day, he has not
    come out to speak again because he has truly died as prophesied by the man of God
  3. AFCON: during the release of his 2022 prophecies, Primate Ayodele noted that the super
    eagles of nigeria will not go far in the African cup of nations. They had a good start but
    were surprisingly kicked out by a weaker team; Tunisia. The man of God also mentioned
    some countries that will do well in the tournament of which the victors, Senegal was part.
    This was before AFCON started at all.
  4. World cup qualifiers: it was a painful thing that Nigeria didn’t qualify for the world cup.
    Primate Ayodele had warned Coach Eguaveon not to allow Musa play in the match if he
    wants to win Ghana to get the qualifier ticket. Unfortunately, the coach never listened
    and played Musa. Ghana won Nigeria by away goal advantage.
  5. Gambia Parliamentary election : Before Gambia parliamentary elections, Primate
    Ayodele revealed the outcome and said it will lead to political imbalance for the
    president. When the result came out, the president’s political party failed to have a
    majority which automatically means there will be a lot of checks against the president
    and it will affect his political future, fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.
  6. France Election: in the last 20 years, no president has gotten a second term in France, it
    has always been one term but before the election held this year, Primate Ayodele
    revealed that Emmanuel Macron will get a second term. Surprisingly, the result of the
    election favoured Emmanuel Macron, fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.
  7. Boris Johsnon Aide: One of UK Prime minister Boris Johnson’s aides resigned some
    months back in a shocking move. In his 2022 prophecies, Primate Ayodele revealed that
    a cabinet minister will resign due to the troubles the Prime Minister will face. In fulfilling
    this, the minister for justice resigned, citing disregard for rule of law as his reason.
  8. Boris Johnson troubles: there have been calls for Boris Johnson to resign as the prime
    minister of the United Kingdom. Primate Ayodele in his 2022 prophecies revealed that
    the PM will face troubles in the new year and will be asked to resign. Since the beginning
    of the year, troubles set in for him and till now, he is still faced with the crisis.
  9. Protest against Hardship : In 2021, Primate Ayodele revealed that there will be so much
    hardship in the country and Nigerians will protest against it. As he said it, few months
    into 2022, some Nigerians took to the highway to protest against the high cost of
    essential commodities and vowed to take the protest to other parts of the country,
    fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy
  10. Germany Coup Attempt: surprisingly, there was a coup attempt in Germany earlier this
    month and some arrests were made to foil the move. Primate Ayodele was recorded
    warning against coup attempts in places it has never happened before, especially in the
    western world. This coup attempt fulfills his prophecy.
  11. Abuja-Kaduna attack : Primate Ayodele has been releasing warnings concerning attacks
    on Nigeria’s railways and rail stations since the beginning of the year. In his 2022

prophecies, he categorically stated that he foresees explosion on our rail system. Few
months ago, bandits bombed a railway and it affected an Abuja-Kaduna train. The
bandits also abducted passengers after shooting some of them, fulfilling Primate
Ayodele’s prophecy.

  1. APC National convention: the outcome of the APC National convention that was held in
    March was foretold by Primate Ayodele. The convention didn’t show the true will of the
    people as consensus was used to elect the party leaders. Primate Ayodele had said
    months before the convention that some certain cabal would handpick the new leaders of
    the party, and it was so.
  2. Japan earthquake : it’s been a while since Japan experienced an earthquake but Primate
    Ayodele in his 2022 prophecies revealed that the country will experience it this year. As
    he said, Japan had an earthquake that killed people in March.
  3. INEC postponement : Despite the fact that INEC had confirmed the date for 2023 general
    elections, Primate Ayodele maintained that elections will not be held on the date.
    Confirming this, INEC shifted the date by some weeks.
  4. Ladipo Market fire: there was a serious fire incident at the popular Ladipo market a few
    months back. Primate Ayodele during a Friday program warned his church members to
    pray against fire incidents in markets around Oshodi. Just 24 hours after he made the
    statement, the fire incident happened, destroying several properties.
  5. ISIS Leader death : Primate Ayodele had declared 2022 as a bad year for terrorist groups
    around the world especially the ISIS. A top leader of ISIS was killed in February by the
    United States.
  6. Arik Airline crash landing : a popular Nigerian actress, Uche Elendu cried out some
    months ago that the flight she boarded; Arik Airline had an emergency landing that got
    passengers terrified. Still in his 2022 prophecies, Primate Ayodele ask Nigerians to pray
    against crash landing of any airline in the country.
  7. Sunday Igboho : Popular Yoruba activist Sunday Igboho got into trouble last year and
    it’s been difficult for him to get freedom after he was imprisoned in Benin Republic. In
    his 2022 prophecies, Primate Ayodele revealed that the activist will have issues with his
    lawyer and if he doesn’t change him, he won’t have a headway. As he said it, a few days
    into the new year, Sunday Igboho publicly lambasted his lawyer, changed him and this
    led to him being set free by the Beninese government.
  8. Nnamdi Kanu : On Nnamdi Kanu, Primate Ayodele in his 2022 prophecies noted that the
    IPOB leader will face more troubles in the new year. As he said it, President Buhari
    affirmed earlier this year that he won’t be released and till now, Igbo leaders are still
    begging for him. Instead of releasing him, more charges are being counted against him,
    fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.
  9. Ernest Sonekan : a former Nigerian head of state, Ernest Sonekan died a few months into
  10. Primate Ayodele in his 2022 prophecies foretold the death of some Nigerian past
    leaders among which Ernest Sonekan was mentioned. His death confirmed the prophecy
    of the man of God.
  11. Health crisis of Brazil president : The president of Brazil was rushed to the hospital
    earlier this year as a result of a blocked intestine. Primate Ayodele in his prophecy for the
    new year stated that he foresees a sitting president having health crisis. The issue with
    Brazil’s president confirms his prophec
  1. 26.South Africa parliament fire : a strange occurrence took place earlier this year when a
    fire incident occurred at the South Africa parliament. In his 2022 prophecies, Primate
    Ayodele categorically mentioned that there will be a fire incident at the south Africa
  2. Death of entertainers: in 2022, the world have experienced the death of so many
    entertainers. Several musicians, actors and actresses have kicked the bucket. Primate
    Ayodele in his prophecy for the new year foretold this.
  3. Death Of Bashir Tofa : Bashir Tofa, a one-time presidential candidate under NRC in the
    June 12 1993 election died earlier this year. This also confirms the prophecy of Primate
    Ayodele on page 14 of the 90-paged 2022 prophecies where he said he foresees the death
    of a one-time presidential candidate.
  4. . Zoning: Zoning ahead of 2023 has caused a lot of issues between political parties in the
    year. This was also stated in Primate Ayodele’s prophecy for the year. He said political
    parties will not respect the gentleman agreement towards Zoning of presidency and this is
    exactly what has been happening
  5. attack On Governors: The governors of Borno State and Benue State will never forget
    2021 as a year they had a close shave with death. Both of them escaped death severally
    this year even though they were in their convoys. Meanwhile, Primate Ayodele already
    predicted that there will be attacks on governors in the year.
  6. Twitter Sale: arguably, the biggest news in 2022 so far in the technology world is the sale
    of twitter to Elon Musk. As unexpected as the news was, Primate Ayodele revealed in his
    2022 prophecies that he foresees a change in the board of Twitter. The sale automatically
    changes the board of directors, fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.
  7. Lagos 4 Lagos Failure: A once wave-making political group in Nigeria, Lagos For Lagos
    has started failing a few months to the anticipated 2023 election. The group has a
    convener, Jide Adediran ‘Jandor’ who is seriously after the governorship seat in Lagos.
    When the group emerged, Primate Ayodele stated that except the do the needful, all their
    efforts will be wasted. As we speak, the leadership of the group has fallen, it’s been
    verbal attacks against each other while a handful of members have withdrawn from the
  8. Somalia : The presidential election in Somalia took a different dimension with the
    emergence of former president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The country has never elected
    a former president but in a prophecy before the election took place, Primate Ayodele
    revealed that he sees an old face becoming the next president of the country. This came
    to pass with the emergence of Hassan Mohamud
  9. Sokoto Killing : there was a sad occurrence in Sokoto some weeks back when a student,
    by name Deborah was killed for blaspheming Prophet Mohammed (SAW). Primate
    Ayodele warned in his 2022 prophecies that he foresees a religious crisis in the country.
    The killing of Deborah was a major religious crisis that affected activities in Sokoto state
    and even led to a curfew.
  10. Zoning: at the beginning of the year, Primate Ayodele made it known that the leading
    political parties in Nigeria, PDP and APC will not regard the gentleman agreement of
    Zoning to the south. Before the presidential primaries of the political parties, there were
    issues that caused crisis within the parties, the parties didn’t go into their primaries with
    the zoning agreement, they had aspirants from different zones including the north. This
    has fulfilled Primate Ayodele’s prophecy on that aspect.
  1. Kidnapping: in the history of Nigeria, kidnapping has never been alarming as it is this
    year. Surprisingly, Primate Ayodele warned against it and categorically stated that
    kidnapping will be on the rise in 2021. “I foresee that the security challenges in the
    country will reach an alarming rate until the Government does the needful. Otherwise,
    there is no way the security of lives and property can be guaranteed. The spirit of God
    says there will be major challenges in our security system mostly kidnappings. The spirit
    of God says setting up the State Police will not work for now because it will be used for
    selfish reasons even as its Agenda and will be greatly criticized.
  2. 45 South East Presidency : Primate Ayodele had revealed in 2020 that the ambition of
    south east politicians to become Nigeria’s next president will be met with rejection. He
    revealed that betrayal among them will cause them to lose it. As he said it, some of the
    politicians stepped down for a northerner before the primary election of the ruling party.
    As it stands, no major party has a south east candidate for the 2023 presidential election
    in Nigeria.
  3. Ekiti Election : The election was held in June but Primate Ayodele in his usual way of
    releasing prophecies long before events took place had revealed the outcome months
    before. He noted that the candidate of the APC will win the election and at the end of the
    day, it came to pass.
  4. Fraud In Accountant General’s Office: In his prophecy book titled warnings to the
    nations, Primate Ayodele had accurately predicted that there will be corruption enquiry in
    the office of Nigeria’s accountant general. As he warned, the AGF was arrested by EFCC
    on account of N80 Billion fraud some months back.
  5. Nigeria’s economic situation: Primate Ayodele had warned severally that the economy of
    Nigeria will not get any better. He warned of an increase in exchange rate and prices of
    essential commodities. At the moment, the exchange rate is unbelievable and prices of
    essential commodities as little as food are on the high side, fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s
  6. Fire Outbreak In Market: from the beginning of the year till this month, we have been
    seeing fire outbreaks in our markets. This was very rampant this year just as Primate
    Ayodele foretold it.
  7. Suicide Bombers: Primate Ayodele few months back revealed that he foresees the
    operation of suicide bombers in Nigeria again years after it was defeated. Just few weeks
    after he said it, there was a suicide bomb attack in a school in Kano that killed several
    people and injured many.
  8. Ayu : Before PDP elected a national chairman, Primate 34 South Africa parliament fire :
    a strange occurrence took place earlier this year when a fire incident occurred at the
    South Africa parliament. In his 2022 prophecies, Primate Ayodele categorically
    mentioned that there will be a fire incident at the south Africa parliament.
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