According to MayoClinic, Organ Meat refers to meat from major organs of the body such as liver, kidney, heart, stomach, intestines, tongue and brain of an animal. They are generally regarded as offals.
They are generally very nutritious and delicious but they may pose some health risks.
In this article,we want to highlight the health benefits of eating organ meat and the inherent risks. In the first place, organ meats are very nutritious and delicious.
Beef liver for instance is very rich in iron, copper, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B12.
The kidneys are also very rich in proteins, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acids.
The heart on its own is a great source of folate, iron, zinc and selenium. The are also rich sources of B complex vitamins. The heart also contains an important antioxidant coenzyme 10. which may help to stabilize blood pressure.
When it comes to being delicious, organ meats are very delicious and tastes very good in most African dishes such as pepper soup, ‘ nkwobi’, stew, edikaikon soup, etc. organ meats taste great with them.
The brain of animals is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, a compound which is very good for the brain, heart and even the skin.
Organ Meat may pose some health risks.
1. According to medical news today, organ meat contains a lot of cholesterol. Toomuchcholesterol in the body could increase a person’s chance of getting stroke or heart problems.
Although saturated fats, can still be a part of our diet, USDA maintains that saturated fats should not exceed 10 percent of a person’s total calories intake.
On the part of America heart association, saturated fats should not exceed 5 to 6 percent of your total calories intake. So since eating Organ meat may increase your cholesterol intake, make sure you take them in moderation.
2. They may cause food poisoning if not properly washed.
According to medical news today, organ meat may cause food poisoning if not washed properly. The internal organs of an animal needs to be washed properly to avoid some infections that may result from it.
3. May cause vitamin A toxicity
Eating too much of some organ meat such as beef liver which is very rich in vitamin A and copper may cause vitamin A toxicity or copper toxicity.
4. Beef brain may cause mad cow disease.
According to medical news today, even though this is rare, cow brain is one of the organ meat and is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, but a person may contact mad cow disease by eating the brain of an infected cow.
5. It is not good for gout patients.
People having gout should avoid organ meat because they contain purine, a molecule associated with joint flare ups.
6. Poorly raised animals may have toxins in the organs.
There are concerns that poorly raised animals may have toxins and pesticides in their organs.
Conclusion: organ meat is very nutritious, there a lot of health benefits in consuming organ meat but it still goes with some associated risks. So, to be safe cook your organ meat properly and eat them in moderation. OperaNews