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APC To LP : Stop Your Blackmail, Our Members Didn’t Attack Your People | The Legend News

We read with amazement the baseless allegation of the Labour Party accusing the ruling  Lagos APC of being responsible for the attack of their supporters in Lagos.

It is irresponsible and reckless of the tottering party to level such a wild allegation without any substantial proof.

The APC, as the ruling party in Lagos State, remains the biggest stakeholder to ensure that there’s no breakdown of law and order.

We want to state unequivocally that our members were not involved in any attack.

Our investigation in the concerned local government made nonsense of the allegation.

Our position has always been for the security agencies to do their job and bring those found culpable in any attack to book.

Those  who alleged must be able to provide evidence and point at suspects and Ieave the rest to the police and other security agencies

We abhor violence as a party. Everybody has the constitutional right to support whichever party and candidates they choose and we don’t think that should make for any kind of violence.

We don’t see the Labour  or any other party as a threat.

It’s important to put it on record that every indication points to our victory in the coming elections based on the widely acknowledged great performance of the state Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-olu and other elected and appointed government officials during the outgoing tenure.

Our members have no business unleashing attack on the opposition party.

The state Governor remains committed to the security of lives and property of all Lagosians irrespective of political affiliation.

The Labour Party will do well if it desists from needless blackmail and face the substance of the expectations of the electorates.

Hon.  Seye Oladejo

Lagos APC Spokesman


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