2023: Eze Hails the Appointment of a Maverick Politician, Deacon Austin Umahi as Ebonyi APC Campaign DG | The Legend News


… Says His Emergence is a Precursor of the Landslide Victory that Awaits the Party and its Candidates in the State


…Pleads with Ebonyians to use their Ballots to Reciprocate the Excellent Performance of Gov. Umahi in the State.

Erstwhile National Publicity Secretary of the defunct New People’s Democratic Party (nPDP), Chief Eze Chukwumeka Eze, has commended Gov. Dave Umahi, the candidate of the APC in Ebonyi State, Rt. Hon. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru as well as the leadership of the All Progressive Congress in the State for beaming their searchlight thoroughly over who leads the campaign of the party in the state which search led to the emergence of Deacon Austin Umahi, an avowed progressive and core strategist as Director-General of the State Campaigns.

In a statement made available to media houses, Chief Eze said given the track record of Deacon Austin in previous assignments in the political space within and outside the state, his appointment has further unsettled the camps of the People’s Democratic Party, APGA and other political parties fielding gubernatorial slot of the State and heighten the fear of an imminent defeat at the polls in 2023.

“His appointment, coupled with the respect the APC has garnered within the ranks of the electorates from the transparency, fairness and justice that premiered at the primaries that produced the guber and other candidates of the party, which respected in all fairness, the interest of the founding fathers of the state for inclusivity and common good, has left the PDP and other opposition parties in panic mood and signaled to them imminent defeat.”

A seasoned party man and a mobilizer and organizer of men who has carved a niche for himself in party administration, Chief Eze said Deacon Austin Umahi is a dogged fighter and goal getter who confronts every task with an uncommon tenacity to produce result within time.

Recalling his sterling performance when he held sway as Deputy National Chairman of PDP South East, the party Chief hinted that Deacon Umahi took over the office after the PDP lost the 2015 presidential election which loss tore the party in shreds and left it in disarray coupled with the leadership crisis that engulfed within the rank of stakeholders.

Deacon Austin folded his sleeves and swung into action with a clear-cut mandate to reunite the party especially in the southeast and recover all lost grounds and to the pride of all, he made giant strides and particularly restored the lost confidence in the party among faithful. He reengineered party administration and streamlined his strategies on the path of democracy and all inclusiveness.

Eze went further to highlight that this no-nonsense political strategist, Chief Austin Umahi who at this dispensation where people are ready to kill in order to be appointed by  the Federal Government into any of her agencies declined his appointment as the secretary of the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC). It is is unthinkable but he did it.

This radical posture of Chief Umahi affirmed my understanding why the Igbo Nation crowned him with the title of ONWA Ndi Igbo the Sun of the Igbos and conviction that as the Director General of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Campaign Council, Ebonyi State coupled with the support of other members of the campaign council under a united party, I am very confident that Deacon Austin Umahi will deploy his competence and wealth of experience in party administration to drive the APC and its candidates to victory in 2023.

Congratulating the DG and his team, Eze appealed to the good people of Ebonyi State  to appreciate Governor Umahi for his feats which has turned the fortunes of the State by voting for all the candidates of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the State during the 2023 general elections.

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